Hip Care Program

Know Your Joints

Make an appointment with us either in person or online to talk about a conditioning program that is specific for you and possibly have a hip  assessment. Email us at fittec@me.com Every body is different so every conditioning program must be designed to account for that.

Pain in the hips could be caused from overuse from work, sport, and life as well as muscle imbalances and structural issues around the back, knees, ankles, and feet. You should seek out medical care if you have have pain, but following these self care tips and exercises may help prevent it from ever happening. All the exercises takes minutes a day and can be done almost anywhere. So there are no excuses not to do. This program is for prevention of hip pain and for overall health. Never do an exercise if it causes pain. It is also a good idea to perform some of the basic exercises from our low back care program because pain and weakness in the hips are sometimes linked to the low back. See your doctor if you have pain.

See below to assess your own hip.



The hips and its supporting musculature are considered part of the core. Proper core function is essential for movement. The core acts to stabilize your spine providing a firm support for all the activities we do. They transfer force through the body and prevent it from having undesired back, hip, knee and even neck pain. Much of the muscular force needed in human locomotion originates and is generated from the hip muscuature. Good hip care requires daily gentle movements, stretches, and strengthening exercises as well as good mechanics while you move including minimizing uncontrolled, abusive motion.


Healthy hips are critical for everyday motion and athletics. Hip pain could be caused from arthritis and other diseases that affect the joint. It can also be caused from tightness and weakness of the hip and core musculature. Pain that does not go away should be seen by a professional, but if it is minor and not constant there are things that you can do to make you feel better and make sure pain will not happen.

Keep your hips mobile. Train your body through a variety of lower body motion to keep mobility. I am not saying to over stretch your hips. I am saying to keep a normal amount of hip motion.Your hips, like your shoulders, are meant to be moved throughout a wide range of motion to allow a variety of motion at the knees and ankles. This is unlike your spine which is meant to be more stable. Please see self-tests and exercise list.

Keep your hips strong. Your hips, like your shoulders, also needed an adequate amount of muscular ability ( strength and endurance ) to assure adequate power and support as you move throughout life. If they are much of the stress would be placed below (knees, ankles, and feet) and above ( lower back and shoulders ). Please see self-tests and exercises.

Use your hip joints daily, but do not abuse them. Explosive exercise and certain sports are not the best for most people as they age. If you do not having great running form and a healthy body mass index running often and hard may not be for you. Please talk to a trainer about this form of exercise. Great initial and daily exercise for most is walking, biking, some forms of swimming, and elliptical type trainers. Sports like tennis, soccer, basketball might be too explosive to someone older or for those who have sore hips.

Form is key as in most things. As mentioned be proactive about stretching and exercising regularly, but remember proper form is key to helping maintain a healthy range of motion and strength in your hips. Do not go through the motions. Male sure you are doing things right. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

Sleep well and smart. Poor sleep posture can also cause pain across your body, especially at your hips. Try sleeping on your back or, if you're a side sleeper, sleep on the side that doesn't hurt and put a pillow between your knees to keep your hips aligned .Having the right mattress matters when it comes to your hips. A mattress that's too soft or too hard could lead to a sore hip.

Too much sitting is not great for the hips and for that matter your whole body. Sitting causes your hip flexors to shorten, and your seated position can also hurt your back, particularly if you have bad posture or don't use an ergonomic chair. Also, poor posture while sitting can cause compression on the discs in your spine and can lead to premature degeneration, which results in chronic pain.

Keep a healthy weight. This is consistent tenet of joint health care.

Eat a healthy Diet rich in anti-inflammatory and vitamin C foods. Vitamin C helps produce collagen that helps cushion and lubricate the hip bones in their sockets, improve bone health and prevent fractures according to S. Boriah. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods in your diet including dark, leafy greens; fatty fish like salmon; extra virgin olive oil; berries; and nuts and seeds are also been important contributor to joint health.

Make your work space and home work for you. Prevent falls by removing tripping hazards and make sure you have good lighting.

See below for my Exercise Hip Care Basic Exercises and ask us for what is best for you.