When it comes to achieving better health through weight loss, you don't need to aim for your high school size. Even a moderate reduction in weight can lead to substantial health improvements and an enhanced sense of well-being. These benefits encompass a reduced risk of conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as enhanced metabolic functioning in the liver, fat, and muscle tissues.

How to Participate

You can register at anytime by sending us your official starting weight (email: fittec@me.com). We will ask for your weight weekly. Frequent weigh-ins have been shown to be very beneficial (see research).

Your goal is a 5% weight loss; it does not have to be within the 10-week frame of the program. Any weight loss is an achievement.


Want Help!

Follow the 5% CHALLENGE/PROGRAM SERIES: WHAT IS IT? It's a 10-week program meticulously crafted to support individuals in shedding up to 5% of their body weight in a healthy manner by fostering better health habits if you follow all of the challenge series.

PROGRAM CHALLENGES THAT WORK: Try to follow all these challenges. I highly suggest them. Last year, those who followed them were much more successful in their weight loss.

1. Enlightenment about Weight Loss and Health & Fitness through reading our Keys to Weight Loss Summary Page (highly suggested) or watching our video; other resources to follow. Key: How are you going to be successful at weight loss unless you have knowledge and a plan?

2. Adherence to a Healthy Diet

          What is a Healthy Diet?

          Harvard Healthy Plate

          Mediterranean Diet

          Dash Diet

          MIND Diet

          Flexitarian Diet

          SEE MORE     

3. Adherence to these Simple Healthy and Fit Recommendations (See Page). It is all about trying!

4. Eat the same healthy meals each day to start. Having the same meals works for weight loss: Create 1-2 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners that you know the calories of, that you enjoy, that is healthy, and that you can stick with following the Healthy Plate Guidelines. Tell me your meal plan. (fittec@me.com). MAKE A SHOPPING LIST OF WHAT YOU NEED FOR THOSE MEALS AND DO NOT DEVIATE FROM IT.

I typically eat the same 4 healthy meals that I know the calories of a day. MEALS: 1. Oatmeal (oatmeal, Greek yogurt, tbs. peanut butter, berries, and cooked with unsweetened almond milk) 2. Smoothie (see) 3. Egg Sandwich (2 pieces of toasted whole grain, high fiber bread, 2 tbs of hummus spread on toasted bread with 1 egg, 4 tbs egg whites, baby spinach cooked in a microwaveable bowl) 4. Chicken Stir Fry (see) or a Healthy Bean / Vegetable Soup or Lean Protein with Veggies and a Whole Grain (see).

5. Keep a log of your weight and report this log back to me weekly. See Log Link for Download.


What does the research say?

Research backs the 5% Weight Loss Goal:

In obese patients, 5 percent weight loss has significant health benefits

Initial weight loss lowers risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease

February 22, 2016

Washington University School of Medicine

For patients with obesity, researchers have found the greatest improvements to health come from losing just 5 percent of their body weight. That relatively small weight loss lowered patients' risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease and improved metabolic function in liver, fat and muscle tissue. (Read more).  More research: Weight Loss and Improvement in Comorbidity: Differences at 5%, 10%, 15%, and Over

Be the 5% of people who are successful at keeping the weight off after following a weight loss program.


Education Plan


Each week of your weight loss journey read over the education article summary page (first page).

Know the Obesity Facts and the Importance of Waist Circumference

Food Industry is a Culprit to Weight Gain! The weight loss industry has been no help!

Body Fat 101 Part 1

Body Fat 101 Part 2

Body Fat 101 Part 3

Cellulite 101

My favorite weight loss key is having a Defined Program of the same basic meals.

Alcohol and weight gain and belly fat

How does sugar makes us Fat and Unhealthy?

Behavior Modifications for Weight Loss

What is the lowest amount of calories allowed for weight loss programs.

Why do some people lose weight faster?

What is going on with rapid weight loss?

Do Weight Loss Supplements Work?


My Adages

Join the 5% of people who successfully maintain their weight after completing a weight loss program."
