Is Ozempic a viable weight loss solution?

Medications and Weight Gain

Know the Obesity Facts and the Importance of Waist Circumference

Food Industry is a Culprit to Weight Gain! The weight loss industry has been no help!

Body Fat 101 Part 1

Body Fat 101 Part 2

Body Fat 101 Part 3

Cellulite 101

My favorite weight loss key is having a Defined Program of the same basic meals.

Alcohol and weight gain and belly fat

How does sugar makes us Fat and Unhealthy?

Behavior Modifications for Weight Loss

What is the lowest amount of calories allowed for weight loss programs.

Why do some people lose weight faster?

What is going on with rapid weight loss?

Do Weight Loss Supplements Work?

Is Ozempic good for weight loss?

Simply Said what are the best foods for weight loss?

Limit consumption of fruit juice for Weight Loss

Limit consumption of Alcohol for Weight Loss

What is "Skinney Fat"?

Why Exercise is not great for weight loss

Trying to figure out the Best Diet- Will looking at the Genetic, Metabolic, and Microbiotic Fingerprints  help identify who is predisposed to lose on one diet versus the other?

People often experience lapses in their weight loss journey within a year regardless of the diet chosen.

How does Processed Foods make us Fat?

The Factors contributing to the increase in obesity rates- Arranged from what I think could be considered most important to least.

Keys to Successful Weight Loss

  EASY BUT HARD: Keys to Losing Weight are Easy to Understand, but can be Hard to Implement. You need to educate yourself and work it. It is a process.

  OBESOGENIC SOCIETY: Losing weight is not easy because you are living in an Obesogenic Society. An environment that promotes obesity. People are obsessed with food. Nationally, 41.9 percent of adults have obesity. Black adults had the highest level of adult obesity at 49.9 percent. Hispanic adults had an obesity rate of 45.6 percent. White adults had an obesity rate of 41 percent.

  CAUSE OF DEATH: Obesity Second Leading Cause of Preventable Death Smoking is #1

  DECREASE LIFE EXPECTANCY: Just being moderately overweight decreases life expectancy by 10-20 years. DECREASES QUALITY OF LIFE BECAUSE OF LACK OF MOVEMENT AND MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN.

  FOOD INDUSTRY IS NO HELP! They make us fatter. Ie: "Portion Distortion" We eat Double the Portions than the past. American eat 140 pounds more food per year than a decade ago. What you think is the right portion is probably double of what you need and it actually is.

  DIET INDUSTRY IS NO HELP! Weight loss is a 20 billion dollar industry that does not deliver results. Over 100 million dieters, where more than 92-95% of people who set out to lose weight do not succeed. ONLY 5-7% SUCCEED AT LOSING WEIGHT.

  LACK OF NUTRITION EDUCATION, PEOPLE HAVE NO CLUE: One of the reasons for the lack of weight loss success is lack of nutrition education.


  CALORIES MATTER: It is all about reducing dietary calories and moving more when it comes to weight and fat loss. Good example is the Twinkee Diet . You can eat junk all day long, but if the calories are less than what you need you can lose weight and your blood profile can improve.

  NO BEST DIET FOR WEIGHT LOSS: Research shows that One Diet does not work for all. Find out what works for you as long as it is Healthy and You Can Do It for Life.

  PEOPLE LAPSE: Most People Lapse in a Year no matter what Diet they do, especially the popular low carb diets. Do not get discouraged if you do. DO NOT EAT ZERO CARBS.

  NEED AT LEAST 400 CALORIES FROM CARBS A DAY:  As a health coach I can not advocate anything less than 400 calories a day from carb and that is low.

  IMPORTANCE OF CARBS:  Predominant fuel source for your brain and nervous system. #1 Fuel source during exercise. It is hard to burn body fat without having carbs present in your body (fats burn in the flame of carbohydrates ).

  WATER WEIGHT LOSS: Most of the weight loss initially with a low carb diet is water weight and not fat. Why do people lose a lot of weight fast initially when on a low-carb diet? Your body as a reserve of carbohydrates (storage form called glycogen) of around 1000 to 3000 grams. For every gram of carbohydrate stored you store 2.2 to 3 grams of water with it.  When you don’t eat carbohydrates your body depletes its carbohydrate reserves therefore water is lost, which can be a few pounds. When you introduce carbs back you gain back water weight. DRINK WATER AND EAT VEGGIES AND FRUIT.

  MOST TRENDING DIETS ARE ELIMINATION DIETS. TRENDING DIETS TEND TO END IN FAILURE:  Be it eliminating carbs, fats, certain type of food or Eliminating Diets like the Paleo, Atkins, Detox, etc.  Most elimination diets based on research seem to fail and/or may be unhealthy.


  INTERMITTENT FASTING: One Trending Diet that seems to work is Intermittent Fasting.  If you want to give intermittent fasting a try make sure to discuss it with your doctor first, especially if you have diabetes or take medication. I would advocate time-restricted eating (only eating between 10 am to 6 pm or even better over a 10 hour window) more than alternate-day and whole-day fasting (where you only eat 400 to 600 calories 2 or more days per week). If you looking to build muscle or physically perform better I would not suggest intermittent fasting. Learn more here , Research

  UNDERSTAND SATIETY (FULLNESS) IS A MAJOR KEY TO SUCCESS: Important key to weight loss is to understand satiety (fullness) and how to increase it with healthy food. Vegetables and fruit are keys to increasing satiety. Most Americans only eat 1-2 servings a day.  You should have several servings of veggies and a couple servings of fruit a day.  I recommend vegetable or a fruit with every meal. Try to make half your plate veggies and/or fruit.

  SATIETY AND WATER: Drink water to increase satiety and for overall health. There are so many health benefits to drinking water. One weight loss benefit is that it can make you feel full. Sometimes you feel hungry because you are actually thirsty. Fun fact:  You burn more calories if the water is cold.  Water found in food can make you feel full.  Veggies and fruit are loaded with water and fiber.

  SATIETY INDEX: TRY TO UNDERSTAND IT: Foods with a high satiety index will make you feel full. Try to implement some of them into your diet. Please review Satiety Index .  

  SOUPS INCREASE SATIETY: Research show that healthy soups are great for weight loss. Soups because of their water content can make you feel full more so than just drinking water. Find a heathy soup you like (poultry or vegetable based, not cream).

  SOLUBLE FIBER AND SATIETY: Soluble fiber foods ranks high on the Satiety Index: Soluble fiber attracts water and turns to gel during digestion, this slows digestion.  A study found that instructing participants to eat an apple or a pear (high soluble fiber) before meals resulted in significant weight loss where people ate up to 30% less at their next meal. Foods that I enjoy that are high in soluble fiber are oats, barley, potatoes, broccoli, beans see more. Soluble fiber helps with high cholesterol.

  THE GUT AND FIBER: The health of your gut bacteria—and therefore your overall health—is directly impacted by the fiber you eat. Advancing research shows that maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut can help in weight loss and prevent weight gain and metabolic problems like diabetes. Healthy gut bacteria thrives on digesting fiber, especially soluble fiber as energy (this is known as the prebiotic effect). The bacteria in the guts of lean people is different from those who are obese. FEED YOUR GUT FIBER.

  INTRODUCE FIBER SLOWLY TO YOUR DIET: If you new to a higher fiber diet introduce fiber slowly to your diet. You could have adverse outcomes by adding fiber too quickly. Add a few grams a day extra each week.

  PROTEIN INCREASES SATIETY: Protein is another key to increasing satiety.  I recommend protein with every meal.  Shoot for 15-30% of calories from healthy protein sources daily (see list ).  I can not recommend very high protein diets >30% of calories. My go to proteins are seafood,  yogurt, beans, chicken, and turkey.

  THERMIC EFFECT OF FOOD: Another reason why protein is key to weight loss besides increased satiety is it increases the thermic effect of food (23-30% of the calories in the protein you eat goes to digesting it, while carbs is 5-12%, and fats are only to 2%).  In other words your body consumes a lot of calories in digesting protein.

  OTHER FOODS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL FULL: Low fat dairy, oats, eggs, nuts, also makes you feel full.  

  LIQUID CALORIES: Liquid calories do not make you feel full. Limit/abstain from all liquid calories especially alcohol. Alcohol effects body weight negatively in many ways. It impacts sleep, hormones, and appetite so that you gain weight. AVOID LIQUID CALORIES.

  DEVELOP YOUR OWN STRATEGIES TO INCREASE SATIETY: It is key to weight loss. Example: having protein and veggies / fruit at every meal with water before and after.

  UNDERSTAND FAT PORTIONS: Dietary Fat has a very high caloric density and low thermic effect so understand fat portions. Example: just 1 tbs of oil has 120 calories, 2 tbs.of peanut butter has 188, and 20 almonds have 163 calories.  Shoot for 20-35% of calories from fat. See list of healthy fats.

  KETOGENIC DIET: A Ketogenic Diet is made up of 90% of calories from fat.  As a Health Coach can never recommend such a diet.  Medical provider may since it helps in certain medical conditions. Most people based on research can not adhere to this plan.

  MACRONUTRIENT RANGES: I can not recommend anything beyond these ranges: Carbohydrates 45-65 % of total calories, Protein 10-35 % of total calories, Fats 20-25 % of total calories. You should have a healthy fat at every meal, but remember that they are high in calories. Most oils, nuts, seeds, peanut butter, and avocados are healthy fats. See more here

  THREE HEALTHY MEALS A DAY: I highly suggest having 3 meals a day following the MyPlate , Harvard Healthy Plate , Mediterranean Diet , or Dash Diet.

  SIMPLE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR WEIGHT LOSS: Reduce but not eliminate carbs and fat and reduce portion size that cuts calories. Start by cutting unhealthy carbs-added sugars and white four-that most people overdo. Get most of your carbs from fresh or frozen vegetables and fruit. Pick a diet that you can stick with for the long haul.

  HAVING THE SAME SET MEALS EACH DAY WORKS FOR WEIGHT LOSS: Create 1-2 breakfasts, lunches, and dinners that you know the calories of, that you enjoy, that is healthy, and that you can stick with following the Healthy Plate Guidelines. I typically eat the same 4 healthy meals day that I know the calories of. 1. Oatmeal (oatmeal, Greek yogurt, tbs. peanut butter, berries made with unsweetened almond milk) 2. Smoothie (see) 3. Egg Sandwich (2 pieces of toasted whole wheat bread, 2 tbs of hummus spread on toasted bread with one egg, 4tbs egg whites, baby spinach that was cooked in a microwaveable lightly spread with oil bowl) 4. Chicken Stir Fry (see) or a Healthy Bean Based Soup (see).


  CALORIE SUGGESTIONS FOR WEIGHT LOSS Loss: Generally decrease calories by 500 to no more than 1000 calories a day from what you currently take in. Women and men should take in no less than 1200 and 1800 calories a day respectively. Only a physician can prescribe less than 800 calories a day.  Women may have 3 meals a day at 300-400+ calories with 20-30 grams of protein per meal. Men may have 3 meals a day at 400-600+ calories with 25-35 grams of protein per meal.  

  BE A GRAZER AND NOT A GORGER: Studies have shown that people who eat small, frequent meals throughout the day tend to consume fewer calories and fat grams at the end of the day. You burn more calories metabolizing food when you spread it throughout the day. Grazing also prevents tiredness brought on by drops in blood glucose, and it's easier on your stomach.



  EXERCISE ALONE DOES NOT WORK: Exercise helps keep the weight off, but it will probably not help take it off without dietary changes

  INCREASED CONSUMPTION WITH EXERCISE:  An increase in physical activity is offset by an increase in calorie intake, unless conscious effort is made. So be aware of that and try to keep your portions under control after exercising.

  WEIGHT DOES NOT CHANGE MUCH WITH EXERCISE: Body composition can change dramatically through exercise where the scale does not change, because you gain muscle as fat is lost.

  SUCCESSFUL LOSERS EXERCISE: The Weight Loss Registry which tracks successful losers found most successful losers exercise aerobically 60 minutes a day. They also eat breakfast and count their calories.

  SPOT REDUCTION DOES NOT WORK BUT RESISTANCE TRAING DECREASES BELLY FAT: Spot reduction does not work, but research shows resistance training decreases belly fat. A Harvard study found that resistance (weight) training had the biggest positive effect on your waistline compared to aerobic exercise or not exercising at all. Research

  INCREASE NON-FORMAL EXERCISE: Informal Exercise = NEAT-non-exercise thermogenesis. Moving throughout the day, even standing, burns calories and has health benefits. Standing for a few hours a day is better for your health than 30-60 minutes of moderate aerobic activity and then sitting and burns 200-400 calories.



  BEING MINDFUL: Be mindful and make sure your health goals and decisions come from you through knowledge and feeling competent. Ask yourself “Do I really need to eat this?” "On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do I want this?”

  READINESS TO CHANGE: If you are a 4 on a readiness to change scale of 1-10 then get knowledgeable before making a change

  SELF CONTROL IS HIGHEST IN THE MORNING: People who exercise or diet in morning stick with it.

  LIFESTYLE CHANGE TAKES TIME: It takes 16 to 26 weeks to make a lifestyle change. Lapses will happen just get back up.

  MAKE CHANGE A HABIT: If you make it a habit you’ll have less need for self control - example: eat veggies at every meal, only buy what is on a grocery list, have fruit in car.

  BEHAVIORAL STRATEGIES WORK: Chew gum. Serve yourself healthy stuff first, eat less of the other stuff. Keep unhealthy snacks and foods out of sight or not in the house. Always order the small. Eat slowly. Eat Breakfast. Drink water. Plate color matters (the more the food blends in with the plate color, the more food you’re likely to take).

  STRESSED!: Do not start a weight loss program when you are stressed: It will increase stress. Lifestyle change is hard enough. Coping when stressed takes a great deal of self-control.

  SLEEP: There is extensive scientific evidence linking sleep restriction to weight gain and obesity. Sleep deprivation increases the appetite-stimulating hormone, ghrelin, and decreases the satisfaction hormone, leptin. Decreased sleep results in increased fatigue, which may lower capability for exercise.Obesity increases the risk for sleep disorders, which may compromise sleep quality (research ). GET QUALITY SLEEP.



  MAKE REASONABLE GOALS: 1-2 pounds. a week is a reasonable goal with the ultimate goal of decreasing your weight by 5 to maybe someday 10%. Professionally I can not recommend more than a 2 pounds per week loss per week Rapid loss usually is associated with rapid regain. Rapid loss is associated with a decrease in muscle mass and a decrease in metabolic rate which will both contribute to easier weight regain.



• Eat Breakfast

• Be a Grazer

• Drink Cold Water

• Eat More Veggies and Fruit (fiber)

• Have Protein at each Meal

• Limit Liquid Calories (soda, juices, alcohol)

• Limit foods with added sugar

• Understand and Eat Healthy Fat Portions

• Move More

• Stand More

• Do aerobic exercise for 20-30 minutes most days

• Strength train twice a week

• Sleep Well

• Practice Art of Distraction

• Destress