'Breath It Program'

Mastering proper breathing techniques and varying your breath throughout the day are simple yet powerful ways to boost your health and well-being. Many Americans unknowingly adopt poor breathing habits, often breathing erratically or holding their breath while working on computers or using smartphones. These improper patterns can elevate stress levels and impair focus. In contrast, practicing correct breathing can regulate the nervous system, alleviate stress and anxiety, enhance oxygen intake, increase energy and mental clarity, and promote cardiovascular and lung health. Integrating these techniques into your daily routine can significantly mitigate the adverse effects of technology on your breathing and overall health.

Here's a starter guide on how to breathe better and specific techniques to enhance your emotional state and performance.

To start simply try practicing proper breathing throughout the day. Focus on taking deep, steady breaths through your nose, engaging your abdomen. This type of breathing should be mindful and deliberate but not forced. Then experiment with different techniques to discover what resonates best with you and seamlessly integrate them into your daily life. All these techniques take only seconds to do. To understand proper and improper breathing, watch the videos "Proper Breathing" and "Improper Breathing." Additionally, I highly recommend assessing your breath—see the guide on how to assess your breathing: Proper Breathing, Improper Breathing, and How to assess your breath.

Here are some of my favorite techniques that I use regularly

A great place to start is to do a couple of Slow Deep Breaths and a Physiological Sigh every hour to reset, relax, and gain focus.

Take a few Slow Abdominal/Diaphragmatic Breaths for quick relaxation. This technique, often used in lengthy meditation sessions, can provide immediate, impactful benefits with just a few breaths. For more information more lengthy sessions see articles.

Kalapathi Breathing to energize.

Box Breathing to focus.

Humming Breathing to clear my mind.

4-7-8 Breathing Method  to aid sleep.  

Exercise Breathing when I exercise and Deep Core Breath to develop my core.

See Complete List Below

Again, I would suggest accessing your breath as well as reading the articles of what is an optimal breath and why changing your breath pattern occasionally a good thing.

While breathing techniques offer benefits practice with caution. Stop if discomfort arises, as these are powerful techniques. Please see waiver.

‘Breath It’ is part of our ‘IT Program’ ( Independent Training ): Independence in multiple ways  (location, time, equipment, and ability). It only takes seconds to minutes to do many of the 'IT Program' modules!

Fitness Made Simple!

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